Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sainted and Tainted

Our local newspaper runs a weekly column called “Sainted and Tainted” in which readers can submit praise or criticism of just about anything:  people, events, organizations, etc.  I look forward to reading about the Sainted people who anonymously pay for someone's restaurant meal, or who selflessly rescue a stranded motorist, giving them repairs or rides, etc.  The Tainteds are always interesting as well.  I wonder if they ever read the column and recognize their poor or foolish behavior, being able to see how it negatively impacted someone else (being a rude driver or stealing another person’s property).

I have decided to write my own spin on “Sainted and Tainted” as it relates to Kitchen Remodeling Projects.  Here’s the first list I want to share with you (I’m sure I will have more):

SAINTED – Our trade partners (plumbers, electricians, tile setters, cabinet installers, etc.) who every day go the extra mile for our clients.  They work at solving unexpected issues that arise, they work hard trying to manage multiple schedules and keep everyone happy, they try very hard not to let the uncrated dog or cat escape, and they always treat the clients, their  home, and their belongings with respect. All this, and high quality work, too!  Thanks, you guys!

TAINTED – HGTV, for setting up unrealistic expectations as to the real costs of quality products and skilled labor, and the realities of a kitchen remodel.  While allowing viewers to think they are being informed and educated, the channel’s main goal is actually ENTERTAINMENT.  They rarely, if ever, portray real projects in real time with real costs, although they lead the viewer to believe that’s what they are seeing. If I had a nickel for every time someone asked us to completely remodel their kitchen with all the upscale bells and whistles, AND stay within their $15,000 budget ................ But, as they say, “That’s Entertainment”!
                                     "GET ALL THIS IN 3 DAYS FOR ONLY $15,000!"

SAINTED – The National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA, www.nkba.org) for over 50 years of informing us about what does and does not make a kitchen layout function well.  The NKBA has developed a full set of guidelines that every good kitchen designer can quote.  These guidelines address adequate walkway minimums, maximum distances between work centers, and minimum landing space requirements.  There are currently 31 guidelines (not rules) that promote good function. A pretty kitchen is wonderful but one that also functions well should be everyone’s main goal.  And the NKBA is the very best source for all things related to kitchen and bath projects.
                                     NKBA: 50 Years of Leadership Through Learning

Gee, this “Sainted and Tainted” business is kind of cathartic!  I get to  express my gratitude (sainted) and my frustrations (tainted).  Yes, I think I will need to resurrect my “Sainted and Tainted” list from time to time.  There are definitely many more additions to be made.